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Влияние условий синтеза на структуру и свойства пеношлакостекла

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Язык: Русский
На сегодняшний день на рынке строительных материалов все большим спросом пользуется такой теплоизоляционный материал, как пеностекло. Благодаря набору исключительных свойств, которыми оно обладает - д ...

Effects of dams on river water quality

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The Senqu-Orange basin is the principal carrier of the mean annual runoff for the larger portion of South Africa, also encompassing Lesotho. The transformation of this river regime by inter-basin tran ...

Quality of Design within PFI Projects

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The government has placed Private Finance Initiative at the heart of its strategy to reform public services in the UK. The main function of this reform is to provide quality public facilities to thei ...

Management of Asbestos in the Construction Industry

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This book provides an outlook into the use of Asbestos containing Materials (ACM) in Ghana, compared with what has been developed in the European Union (EU) and UK in particular. The fatal risks of ...

Success Factors of Construction Projects in Ghana

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Modern public construction projects involve multiple stakeholders, such as designers, contractors, subcontractors, construction managers, consultants and specialists from different disciplines. In a ...
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