Success Factors of Construction Projects in Ghana

Success Factors of Construction Projects in Ghana
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Modern public construction projects involve multiple stakeholders, such as designers, contractors, subcontractors, construction managers, consultants and specialists from different disciplines. In a multi-agency work environment, it is natural to have clash of objectives and interests among the different stakeholders. The objective of public project management is to ensure the success of a project which not only involves managing the schedule, cost, and quality, generally known as ‘the iron triangle’, but also satisfying a number of other performance criteria, such as avoiding disputes, and complying with safety norms. Identification of the success factors is considered the key to achieving success in these projects. The aim of this book is to identify and spotlight factors crucial to the success of construction projects in Ghana. Specific objectives included identifying the factors that influence the success of a construction project and establishing the critical success factors as well. A literature search on construction projects success in construction was carried out.


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