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Housing Policy and Practice

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The book provides a comparative review of housing policy reforms in the context of transition to democracy and market-based economy in 27 countries. Recognizing the complexity of housing systems, it f ...

Reshaping International Governance: What Architecture for G20?

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The G?20 is one of the biggest institutional innovations in the area of international economic governance. Following this evolution, some scholars have already talked about a ‘global leadership in tra ...

Hope, Change and Recession, Volume I

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Язык: Русский
In 2009, the sea-change brought on by Barack Obama in the White House was only part of the story. The world economy underwent a partial meltdown as 2008 came to a close, and 2009 began with a surplus ...

Место образа лидера в восприятии власти

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Язык: Русский
В данной книге рассматривается то место, которое занимает политический лидер в восприятии всей системы власти. Политическое восприятие характеризуется соединением когнитивных и эмоциональных компонент ...

Trading Places: The Two Parties in the Electorate From 1975-2004

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Язык: Русский
Examining the nexus of American cultural and political divides, Smith argues that elite-level repositioning has facilitated increasingly ideology-driven party identification among voters. Thus, “polar ...