
Reshaping International Governance: What Architecture for G20?

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The G?20 is one of the biggest institutional innovations in the area of international economic governance. Following this evolution, some scholars have already talked about a ‘global leadership in tra ...

Hope, Change and Recession, Volume I

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In 2009, the sea-change brought on by Barack Obama in the White House was only part of the story. The world economy underwent a partial meltdown as 2008 came to a close, and 2009 began with a surplus ...

Место образа лидера в восприятии власти

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Язык: Русский
В данной книге рассматривается то место, которое занимает политический лидер в восприятии всей системы власти. Политическое восприятие характеризуется соединением когнитивных и эмоциональных компонент ...

Trading Places: The Two Parties in the Electorate From 1975-2004

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Язык: Русский
Examining the nexus of American cultural and political divides, Smith argues that elite-level repositioning has facilitated increasingly ideology-driven party identification among voters. Thus, “polar ...

Discovering the Baltics? Think Tallinn!

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Язык: Русский
In the light of New Zealand’s recent efforts to learn more about the European Union’s newest parts, this research aims to investigate avenues to improve the status quo in the sphere of the South Pacif ...
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