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Shakespeare's Hamlet versus Sumarokov's Gamlet

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Язык: Русский
This book is about the possible distinctions between Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Sumarokov’s Gamlet, with the higher focus on the formal aspects of the texts that could be easily located, extracted, quan ...

Al-Jurjani’s Theory of NaZm and Halliday’s Theory

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Язык: Русский
This book is simply the M.A. study of the writer: "Al-Jurjani’s Theory of NaZm and Halliday’s Information Structure Theory: A Comparative Study." The importance of the study expounded in this book ste ...

Русская проза рубежа ХХ–ХХI веков: трансформации форм и конструкций

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Язык: Русский
В книге развертывается картина стилевых исканий русской прозы 1990-2000-х годов. На примере повестей и рассказов В. Маканина, Л. Петрушевской и В. Пелевина прочерчиваются основные силовые линии, тенд ...

Messianism in Ding Ling and Zhou Libo's Novels

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Язык: Русский
Messianism in Chinese literature? While this proposal may seem strange or doubtful, there is evidence for the form and function of messianism in Chinese revolutionary novels, particularly in Ding Lin ...

Border-novel or Bordered Novel

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Язык: Русский
The intermingled system of narratively constructed female identities in Erzsebet Borcsok's Eszter reveals that even if bordered by socially established patriarchal standards, constrained by the expect ...
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