Медицинская литература
- Популярная и нетрадиционная медицина
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- Внутренние болезни
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- Стоматология
- ЛОР. Оториноларингология
- Кожные и венерические болезни. Дерматовенерология
- Гинекология. Урология. Акушерство
- Психиатрия. Психопатология. Сексопатология
- Система здравоохранения
- Наркология. Алкоголизм. Табакокурение
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- Офтальмология. Расстройства зрения. Очки
- Медико-биологические дисциплины
- История медицины
Язык: Русский
Diarrhea a leading cause of illness and death in children in developing countries may lead to the cause of dehydration resulting from loss of water and electrolytes and lack of absorption of nutrients ...
The efficacy of herbal toothpastes against "primary plaque colonizers"
Раздел: Стоматология
Язык: Русский
Periodontal disease is believed to result from an infection by a group of bacteria known as the periodontopathogens. In order to infect the periodontal sulcus, these organisms require specific env ...
Genetic and Molecular Evaluation of Cotton
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Cotton, the ‘White Gold’ and ‘King of fibre crops’ enjoys a pre-eminent status among all the cash crops in the country and elsewhere by providing principle raw material, cotton for textile industry. I ...
Control of ocular circulation
Язык: Русский
In this volume Prof. Dr. Esmeralda Delgado summarizes the content of the research that led to her PhD thesis under the theme of the local control of ocular circulation in an isolated model of rabbit e ...
Genetic Fuzzy Scheduling
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Revision with unchanged content. In this book, we present novel methodologies for automatically generating online scheduling strategies with the help of real life workload data. The scheduling problem ...