Video game culture and interactivity

Video game culture and interactivity
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This book introduces a new concept of digital interactivity, through examining local digital culture; and video game culture is employed as a metaphor to interpret local digital culture. These new classes of digital interaction can be applied to real-world examples, such as digital interactive installation artworks and video games. The important emphasis of this research’s results is ‘locality’ and ‘communication’ in physical digital interaction. The existence of different digital culture trends, which were assessed by the ‘multi definition of digital interaction’, can explain the concept of ‘locality’ in digital interaction. This meaning of ‘locality’ may assist in understanding contemporary digital culture and can reduce possible misunderstanding as regards ‘local’ digital culture. In the application of the concept of digital interaction to the field of either artworks or video games, it is possible to form the opinion that an innovative concept of physical digital interaction is ‘communication’ within this context. This concept and its applications can improve the potential of both digital interactive culture and technology.


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