Uptake of Farm Inputs Policy among Arable Crop Farmers in Ogun State

Uptake of Farm Inputs Policy among Arable Crop Farmers in Ogun State
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Язык: Русский
The need to revolutionize the agricultural sector and make it produce more output with less use of resources underscores the importance of agricultural sector policies in most African countries. However, many of the agricultural policies in most African countries have fallen short of the ends for which they were set due to poor adoption. Past efforts aimed at unraveling the causes of this failure have focused much attention on state governments and their policy implementing agencies, while the “farmers-centered and location specific factors” responsible for the dismal performance of agricultural policies are rarely investigated. This book, therefore, provides insights into certain farmers-centered factors that are critical to the success of agricultural policies with lessons drawn from the implementation of farm inputs and food production policy in Nigeria. The findings reported in this book should be especially useful to change agents, technology disseminators, innovation diffusers and actors in agricultural and rural development projects in formulating effective development policies and achieving desired change on the clientele.


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