The Development of Entrepreneurship in China

The Development of Entrepreneurship in China
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Язык: Русский
In most of the developed and developing countries, entrepreneurship has been a topic discussed almost exclusively in economic terms. Most Western countries seemed to assume that socio-cultural or institutional aspects played no – at least no major – role in this respect. The book focuses precisely on the socio-cultural and institutional framework for entrepreneurship in the case of China, and discovers how entrepreneurs take advantage of the resources and opportunities available. And, in addition, describes the impact of institutions on the transformation of entrepreneurship models. The analysis should help reveal the dynamic power for the initiative activities and its inner logic in entrepreneurship development in China. This book enriches the entrepreneurship theory by examining specific aspects of the institutional environment, which includes the political environment, the economic environment and the socio-cultural environment, and discovers how the entrepreneurial models have evolved in different institutional environments in China. This book should be especially useful to professionals in business and entrepreneurship.


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