Teachers' Attitude towards Authentic Language Teaching Materials

Teachers' Attitude towards Authentic Language Teaching Materials
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Язык: Русский
The main purpose of this study is to explore the attitudes of instructors of Bahir Dar University towards authentic language teaching materials and also to find out instructors’ problem/s in using authentic texts in EFL classes. Data were collected using questionnaire, interview and observation. The interview and observation data were used to triangulate the collected data through questionnaire. And the researcher used Percentages and frequency to analyze the data collected through questionnaire. The results of the analysis revealed that all the instructors have positive attitudes towards authentic language teaching materials. And most of them were sometimes using authentic materials in EFL classrooms. The finding also shows that instructors face some problems that discourage them from using authentic materials in EFL classrooms. Lack of available authentic materials, lack of appropriate texts for local context and work load are some to mention. Finally, the researcher recommends the higher institutions to provide in-service trainings to teachers to refresh and update their knowledge and skills. In addition, higher institutions should reduce instructors’ workload.


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