Stiff + Trevillion

Stiff + Trevillion
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London-based Stiff + Trevillion Architects is one of the UK's leading architectural practices. Stiff + Trevillion: Practising Architecture tells its story, from the earliest days to the present, weaving together key events and moments in its history with project stories that illustrate its design ethos and approach to the business of architecture. Featured projects include restaurants for Wagamama and Jamie's Italian; The Canal Building, set within the Portobello Dock scheme masterplanned by Stiff + Trevillion; private houses including Mayfly Cottage, and a recent commercial scheme in London's Pentonville Road. At the heart of the ethos of Stiff + Trevillion is the maxim that 10,000 hours of practice are required before any of us can be successful at our chosen craft. The book illustrates how Stiff + Trevillion practiced "on the job", examining the profession of architecture as a creative – as well as a commercial – endeavour. A fascinating examination of some of the key clients, projects, events and challenges in the development of one of the UK's most interesting contemporary practices, and richly illustrated with original sketches, drawings and photography, "Stiff + Trevillion: Practising Architecture" will appeal to anyone interested in how the architecture business works from the inside out.


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