Selected Discourses in African Studies:Gender, Women & Society

Selected Discourses in African Studies:Gender, Women & Society
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Язык: Русский
Africa has had a cheered past of gender based contradictions and warranted debates that questions the state of what constitute the ‘Woman’ in the African context and how this fits or represent a misfit of a microcosm of the global perception, particularly the west. Any history of the continent is incomplete without an account these exchanges which sees rights overthrown and gender borders shifted. These Issues beckons questions that borders on societal development and fundamental human relations with peers society and governments. This book presents in one volume a multidisciplinary and therefore comprehensive text on the important themes covering issues related to Gender, feminism and sexuality depending on what categorization of the discourses the contributors chooses. Though Africa’s problems transcend these basic issues, these themes are for academia, policy makers, and students whose discipline encompasses the above areas. The book deals centrally on Africa’s gender issues and it promises to be of significant value to the teaching and study of gender related discourses on Africa.


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