Product Quality Standardization in the Indian Market

Product Quality Standardization in the Indian Market
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And whatever happened to the pesticide content found in Bisleri in 2003. In 2003 and 2006, there turned out to be a dramatic fight that saw Pepsi and Coca-Cola joining hands to fight Sunita Narayan of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) as the whole country looked on concerned about claims, that the Indian Public had been drinking for years, as a mark of celebration, ‘drinks’ that were claimed to be efficient toilet-cleaners! A rare sight where the stalwarts of the soft drink industry and all-time staunch rivals came together to fight this new menace that posed a serious threat to their credibility. Joint Parliamentary Committees in India is no ordinary thing where scams worth Rs.1,76,000 crores also need a lot of political backing to make a case for themselves in order to have a JPC probe but the softdrinks had “been there, done that” in August 2003 itself. Old issues like Pesticides used for farming that led to a major health crisis amongst inhabitants of Kerala has got huge ratings for shows like Satyamev Jayate.But as they say, ‘The Khans got around and they also roped in the Tendulkars and the Dhonis to advertise and the glamour quotient got the poor drinking again’


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