Prescribing Priorities of Medical Practitioners & Pharma Industry

Prescribing Priorities of Medical Practitioners & Pharma Industry
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Язык: Русский
The fulcrum of the health care sector is the medical practitioners’ and their practices followed by the pharma industry forming the second ring around the fulcrum. The study of this kind to study the present practices and priorities and to visualize likely changes in this is most imperative at this juncture. Therefore this study provides highly valuable information for determining their future marketing mix and business policies. What can be the fate of a particular molecule whether new or old? How much turnover a particular molecule can fetch? Which molecule would be losing their market potentials? All these questions can be answered only on the basis of a detail account of the prescribing priorities of the Doctors. Today the study of pharma industry needs a global perspective. This book meets this twin requirement. The text provides an exciting picture of prescribing priorities of medical practitioners and rapidly changing pharma industry. The book provides Healthcare professionals and medical practitioners the framework and knowledge with which to make more effective decisions and to communicate the excitement and utility that characterizes this industry & thus helping society


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