Political Parties of Lithuania in Context of the Post-Communism

Political Parties of Lithuania in Context of the Post-Communism
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In this study is actualizes the activity of Lithuanian political parties pursuant to the standpoint that the desire of the parties for power is greater than their readiness to organize effective political governing. With the fight for power having become an aim in itself, the parties do not pay the required attention to the prediction of the results of their political governing. Inadequate ambitions of political power are typical of irresponsible parties. Society fails to understand the responsibility standards of the parties, whereas broken promises of the parties are associated with lies. Trust to parties in Lithuania is catastrophically low. The irresponsibility of parties but is not one-sided. Political parties operate in context post-communist pro-capitalism and democratic primitivism, unexpected results of the post-communist transformation as well. Lithuanian society itself has lived too long with unreasonable expectations and self-deceptive post-communist illusions about “the nation rule” and “the fastest history in the world”. Society that is trying to catch up encouraged parties to make unrealistic promi¬ses. Lithuania remains a weak and internally insecure democracy.


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