Patent Rights Protection

Patent Rights Protection
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The book Optimizing Economic Development and Industrialization through Patent Rights Protection in Nigeria is a timely input and intervention with focus on the why’s and how’s of economic development in a country like Nigeria. It traces the path development and industrialization trod by Nigeria as a country desirous of emerging among other progressive economies in the world. It recounts efforts made in the past by Nigeria and explains why they have proven insufficient or grossly ineffective towards actualizing an aspiration of fostering an industrially and economically vibrant country. It specifies over-reliance on oil reserves as a major distraction to the stimulation of the economy through technology transfer facilitated by an efficient patent right protective system. The work also presents the current state of industrialization in Nigeria, what is missing and how it can be remedied. It seeks to convince the reader as to the centrality of patent rights protection as a trade instrument and catalyst to chain of events which will eventually culminate into economic development and industrialization being Nigeria’s desired destination.


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