Obsessive Creative

Obsessive Creative
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Beautifully designed and lavishly illustrated with four-color photographs, sketches, and watercolors, renowned international fashion designer and icon Collette Dinnigan provides intimate and revealing insights into her life, creative, process, and work. Collette Dinnigan's collections are sold in every corner of the world, and her designs have been worn by a coterie of leading actresses, celebrities, and royalty, including Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, Emily Blunt, Halle Barry, Madonna, and Julia Roberts. Her work has graced major feature films and television shows, such as Sex and the City, Baz Luhrman's Australia, Gossip Girl, and the Oprah Winfrey show, and has been highlighted in every major fashion magazine worldwide and in numerous fashion anthologies. In this sumptuous volume packaged in a cloth case with a gorgeous watercolor screened on it by Dinnigan herself, the designer invites us into her life, from what drives her and how she achieved success to the inspirations behind her designs and how her bohemian childhood shaped her development as an artist. Obsessive Creative takes us into the mind and heart of this imaginative, forward-thinking designer, her clothes, and her passions. It is also a behind-the-scenes look at the world of high fashion, from the studio where Collette's sublimely beautiful clothes are made to a beading factory in India to backstage at the Paris shows. Lushly illustrated with photos from top international fashion photographers and from Collette's own family albums, plus numerous collages of the designer's sketches, watercolors, and inspirational materials, objects, and environments, Obsessive Creative is an intensely personal and visually stunning account of Dinnigan's life and work—an inspiring volume sure to excite artists and designers, spark every fashionista's unique creativity, and delight her fans worldwide.


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