Market access and Borana pastoralist cattle production and marketing

Market access and Borana pastoralist cattle production and marketing
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The semi-arid Borana Plateau of southern Ethiopia is one of the country’s most important livestock regions in economic terms. Livestock exports from the zone contribute substantially to national foreign exchange earnings. A lot of research works have been done on pastoral systems of Borana rangelands in different issues. Nonetheless, there was no research done in livestock production in general and cattle production in particular with regard to market access. This book, therefore, has attempted to contribute to filling the paucity of information by examining the current situation of cattle production and marketing with respect to market access. Indeed, this work has generated a wide range of information on cattle production and marketing in Borana pastoral system representing low and high market access areas. Access to market plays essential role in increasing off take and assures better income and paves the way for pastoralists to diversify their livelihood which can contribute to poverty alleviation, and further endorse country’s economic growth. Policy makers, donors and/or NGO’s need to give due attention to improve access to market to assure the wellbeing of pastoralists.


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