Improving Road Legibility for Enhancing City Beautification

Improving Road Legibility for Enhancing City Beautification
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The research is based on a systemic approach analyzing the relation between man, vehicle and environment, which is leading to a reflection on the legibility of KDA Avenue of Khulna city, Bangladesh. The environment of the road, including landscape, helps the users in their moving act. That is to say that the surroundings of the road give signs to the user so that he can regulate his behavior through a constant analysis of linear and transversal information he gets in every landscaped sequence. Improving the road legibility with a work on the road beautification contributes to the stability of the man-vehicle-environment system. The aim of this research is to adapt the user’s behavior to the route he is moving on and crosscheck their perception through the existing state of affairs and finally there proposed some guidelines to improve the current situation. As the user’s behavior is directly linked to the perception of the route, it is essential to make the road more legible in order to induce a change of the user’s behavior improving road safety.


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