Globalisation and the Mother Tongue in Uganda

Globalisation and the Mother Tongue in Uganda
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Язык: Русский
Western education, introduced in Uganda during the 19th century, was synonymous with the English language. At the dawn of the 21st century, however, government has adopted a policy that aims to place native languages at the centre of basic (primary) education. Challenges abound though. Mother tongue teachers, literature and basic instructional materials are largely nonexistent. Citizens are used to an education that encouraged learning through and knowledge of English. Migration, intermarriages, and urbanisation have mingled people of diverse origins to disorient their mother tongues. Increased exposure to worldwide affairs has persuaded the community that, as members of ‘a globalised world', they ought to be introduced to ‘a global language' early in life.They do not know a country that has successfully implemented multilingualism. This book highlights the need for policy makers, curriculum developers, linguists and educationists to embrace participatory planning approaches to derive wider stakeholder input, consensus, ownership and long-term support of public programmes.


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