Food Security Condition of the Char-lands of Northwestern Bangladesh

Food Security Condition of the Char-lands of Northwestern Bangladesh
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Язык: Русский
Char-lands of Northwestern part of Bangladesh, is one step more undeveloped then the main land of Bangladesh. As well as Bangladesh is a developing country itself, where the char-lands has treated as a different entity rather than the main land. There is a vulnerable communication system works in the char-lands what drives the entity slower than the other parts of the country and the curse of river erosion in every single moment added extra amount of frustration in the people’s livelihood. Less amount of cultivable land, flash flood, bad marketing system make the life of the people of the area a bit more difficult than the other areas of the country. Food security is like a dream for the area where in the maximum time of the year the people need to starve 2 or 3 times in a day where basically meal taken three times in a day; three meals in a day also treated as the primary condition of food security.


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