Financial Abuse of Older Clients: Law, Practice and Prevention

Financial Abuse of Older Clients: Law, Practice and Prevention
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Язык: Русский
Financial Abuse of Older Clients: Law, Practice and Prevention is written in a practical, accessible style providing analysis, comment and in-depth analysis helping solicitors and others to be proactive in protecting their older clients. It covers: what financial abuse is; who is vulnerable to such abuse; the vulnerable but mentally capable; who the perpetrators of financial abuse are; the form financial abuse takes highlighting indicators and abuse red flags, typical actions of the financial abuser, typical losses and undue influence; how to prevent financial abuse and the steps that should be taken when it is discovered; the protection of the individual and how to recover assets; foreign aspects – Eire, USA, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland; reforms; and appendices including statement of wishes and values, a financial abuse warning card for professionals and statistics from Court of Protection Cases 2014-2016. Filled with detailed, practical guidance and advice and drawing together case law and legislation Financial Abuse of Older Clients is a comprehensive work written by a private client solicitor with nearly 30 years’ experience that no family law practitioner or professional faced with this ever increasing area of law should be without.


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