Effect of plant growth regulators and biostimulants on Chilli

Effect of plant growth regulators and biostimulants on Chilli
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The present investigation entitled, “Effect of plant growth regulators and bio-stimulants on productivity and quality of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) cv. K1”. Application of plant growth regulators and bio stimulants significantly increased the growth, yield and quality attributes of chilli. The maximum plant height, highest number of leaves per plant, plant spread, leaf area, leaf area index, early flowering and 50% flowering was observed with the foliar spray of humic acid 0.2 per cent. The same treatment recorded the maximum for all the yield parameters viz., fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit girth and fruit weight, fresh fruit yield, dry fruit yield per plant and Dry Matter Production per plant. Panchagavya 3% increased the ascorbic acid content, TSS and oleoresin in chilli. Application of humic acid at 0.2 per cent recorded increased the capsaicin and capsanthin content and the highest net returns of Rs.43,329.00 with the benefit cost ratio of 1.94 which is economically feasible. Our results support the foliar application of humic acid 0.2 per cent improve the growth and yield attributing parameters in chilli, which will ultimately result in increased productivity.


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