Educators' experiences in implementing the revised national curriculum

Educators' experiences in implementing the revised national curriculum
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Язык: Русский
This study examines educators’ experiences in implementing the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS)in the GET Band. The findings reveal that educators differ in terms of the nature of their experiences in implementing the RNCS. A high percentage (61.04%) of educators reports a positive experience about implementing the RNCS. The findings further indicate that age, teaching experience and qualification have an influence on the nature of educators’ experiences in implementing the RNCS. The findings further reveal that educators differ in the extent to which they generally find implementing the RNCS to be stressful. A relatively higher percentage (38.31%) report above average level of stress, 28.90% report below average level and 32.79% report an average level.The last finding shows that educators’ gender, age, teaching experience, qualification and rank have no influence on the extent to which educators generally find implementing the Revised National Curriculum Statement to be stressful. On the basis of the findings of this study, a model on curriculum implementation process was proposed and recommended.


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