Child Trafficking as a Form of Child Labour

Child Trafficking as a Form of Child Labour
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Язык: Русский
This book deals with the problem of child labour in India. The main cause of abnormal increase in the number of child labour now is the flow of migrants from the village to the urban areas in search of employment, as a result of disintegration of village economy and pervading poverty among the landless and working classes there. Other causes like flood, natural calamities and drought, which affect a large sections at times. In some places in the rural set up the social hierarchy and economic hierarchy are interwoven to cater child labourers. The ‘Banchara’ and the ‘Bedia’ communities bear testimony to the fact. The existences of the child labour laws are questioned given the increase in the child labourers day by day. To combat, we should adopt both long-term and short-term measures. Our long-time measures should be to achieve abolition of child labour, gradually by social economic and legislative measures. A program should be initiated to improve and strengthen the position of women providing financial input by way of giving employment to enhance the family income which ultimately reduces the child Labour.


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