Business in Society

Business in Society
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Язык: Русский
What’s the point of studying business from a social perspective?How can sociology aid my understanding of the big issues facing businesses today?Can thinking sociologically really equip me better for a career in business?This book provides an indispensable introduction to business and organizations from a social perspective. Using classic and contemporary ideas and evidence, the book explores the connections between people, work, organizations and society. Carefully illustrated with a range of up–to–date case studies, the book shows how sociology can shed light on current developments in the business world. Drawing on their considerable experience of teaching sociology to a range of audiences, the authors provide a straightforward but still stimulating step–by–step guide to issues such as: discrimination and diversity in the workplace; trade unionism and industrial disputes; the need for ethics and legislation; and the changing roles of managers and employees. The book provides:Clearly–defined learning aims;Questions for discussion and reflection;Annotated suggestions for further reading;In–depth case studies linking sociological ideas to business realities.Written with the needs of students taking degrees outside the traditional social sciences in mind, such as business studies, human resources and management, the book is suitable for those approaching sociology for the very first time. Accessible and inspirational, it will help students to grasp new and exciting possibilities for thinking about business in the contemporary world.


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