B2B Marketing in Mineral Industry

B2B Marketing in Mineral Industry
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Язык: Русский
The B2B marketplace is going through a major transformation. Both existing and new players are experimenting with new marketing solutions as they lack a seamless flow of information among customers, suppliers and their employees. One of the most important concern for marketing managers of today is the way business organisations purchase products. Customer satisfaction is the key to every organization’s success. One ultimately wants customers to be happy with products and services it provides. Therefore customer insight is vital to any business. Organizations constantly try to grab the opportunity of getting more and more quality customers as well as retain them in a long run with the help of their relationships. Business organisations have been forced to adapt their marketing and purchase process due to the recent developments in global environments. The B2B marketplace offers a blend of opportunities to the organizations due to its speed, variety, control, communication access and strong distribution. Therefore, the book investigates the B2B markets in Mineral sector in Indian Sub-continent.


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