Architectural and Acoustical Evaluations of CEPA Shopping Center

Architectural and Acoustical Evaluations of CEPA Shopping Center
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Physical comfort requirements of users as thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort should be considered and studied in detail when designing and planning public spaces. However, there is not enough research, on the relations between the acoustical parameters and the acoustic comfort level of users in enclosed public spaces. The subjective auditory perception needs to be evaluated parallel with the objective acoustical indices of the space. CEPA Shopping Center with an atrium and a glass dome ceiling, in the capital city Ankara in Turkey, is chosen for the case. The aim of this study is to investigate the relations between the users’ noise annoyance ratings and the measured equalized sound pressure levels (Leq) in addition with the demographical differences, user profile variances and auditory perception classifications. The research methods are real-size measurements, computer simulations and questionnaires. The present acoustical indices were measured, simulated and discussed by pointing out the identified architectural features of the space and the present material applications. The book is structured to be informative for architects, interior architects/designers and acoustician.


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