Apparent Kinetics of Biomass Gasification Using High-Temperature Steam

Apparent Kinetics of Biomass Gasification Using High-Temperature Steam
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Язык: Русский
Among the latest achievements in gasification technology, one may list the development of a method to preheat gasification agents using switched ceramic honey combs. The best output from this technology is achieved with use of water steam as a gasification agent, which is heated up to 1600 °C. The application of these temperatures with steam as a gasification agent provides a cleaner syngas (no nitrogen from air, cracked tars) and the ash melts into easily utilised glass-like sludge. High hydrogen content in output gas is also favourable for end-user applications. Among the other advantages of this technology is the presumable application of fixed-bed-type reactors fed by separately produced and preheated steam. To provide potential constructors and exploiters of these reactors with the kinetic data needed for the calculations of vital parameters for both reactor construction and exploitation, basic experimental research of high-temperature steam gasification of four types of industrially produced biomass has been conducted. The obtained thermo-gravimetric data were analysed and approximated using several models described in the literature.


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