An Eco-Acoustic reading of Seamus Heaney's "Death of a Naturalist"

An Eco-Acoustic reading of Seamus Heaney's "Death of a Naturalist"
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Язык: Русский
The book does an Eco- acoustic reading of soundscape dynamics in Seamus Heaney’s Collection Death of a Naturalist. Although in previous years a lot of research had been done on Death of a Naturalist from an ecological perceptive, this book broadens the scope of such a study by applying the psychoacoustic principles of listening aesthetically, ecology as roots and environmental sounds generating inner human emotions. It explores the role of acoustic-ecology in Heaney’s poetry at three levels. A brief phonetic analysis is given to trace the production of sound speeches in Heaney’s collection. The focus is laid upon the phonemes: their physiological production, acoustic properties, aural discernment and their neurological status in construction of the poem. Later, the book will point out the word-stocks, symbols, metaphoric expressions and collocations that create the aesthetic atmosphere of Death of a Naturalist. On the third level, the thematic concerns of the poems are scrutinized to point out the major theme of childhood traumatic experiences aroused by the commemoration of the haunting soundscapes echoed in Heaney’s farmhouse in Ireland.


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