A Newly Designed Concrete Armour Unit for Rubble Mound Breakwaters

A Newly Designed Concrete Armour Unit for Rubble Mound Breakwaters
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Язык: Русский
Erosion and inundation, resulting from wave impacts, are challenges synonymous with the near sea location. These challenges have grown in intensity and event due to the well-known phenomenon of Global Warming. Therefore, the need for stronger and more stable structures has increased. The intention of this study is to develop a new artificial armour unit used for armouring offshore rubble mound breakwaters. The intention of this study is to develop a new artificial armour unit used for armouring offshore rubble mound breakwaters. A design of the intended armour unit has been given in this study. A number of calculations for determining the layer coefficients were conducted, hence, obtaining the layer’s porosity and packing density. A number of two dimensional tests have been conducted on this newly designed unit including hydraulic stability, overtopping and run-up. All these characteristics and test results have been compared to other well known armour units.


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